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A field-tested, academically-trained, public problem solver.
Research Principles & Projects
By studying how nonprofits and public organizations collaborate, engage with communities, and thrive during crises we can discover system-based solutions that perpetuate socially equitable outcomes.
Research: Projects
Select Academic Publications:
Collins, C., Salazar, A., Hoffman-Cooper, A., Johnson, R., Schmidt, L., Tiller, L., & Young, S. (2023). Mixed Method Evaluation of Two Georgia College Campus Support Programs for Students with Experience in Foster Care. Child and Adolescent Social Work.
Searing, E.A.M., Wiley, K.K., Young, S.L. (2023). Resiliency tactics during financial crises. In L. Dicke & S. Ott. (Ed.), Understanding Nonprofit Organizations.
Lim, S. & Young, S. (2023). Why the network coordinator matters: The importance of learning, innovation, and governance structures in coproduction networks. Journal of Civil Society.
Wiley, K., Searing, E., & Young, S. (2022). Haunted by nonprofits: Themed teaching cases for Halloween and Diás de los Muertos. Journal of Public Affairs Education.
Young, S. L., & Tanner, J. (2022). Citizen participation matters. Bureaucratic discretion matters more. Public Administration.
Stull, J., Young, S.L., Searing, E., & Wiley, K. (2022). The public administration-politics dichotomy. In K. Schedler (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Public Management.
Searing, E., Wiley, K., & Young, S.L. (2021). Resiliency Tactics during Financial Crisis: The Nonprofit Resiliency Framework. Nonprofit Management and Leadership.
Young, S.L. & Berlan, D. (2021). We are not all the same: What motivates individuals to be members of professional associations varies by sector. Voluntary Sector Review.
Young S.L. & Wiley K.K. (2021) Erased: Why faculty sexual misconduct is prevalent and how we could prevent it. Journal of Public Affairs Education.
Young, S.L., Searing, E., &Wiley, K. (2020). Squandered in real-time: How public management theory underestimated the public administration-politics dichotomy. The American Review of Public Administration.
Wiley, K., Searing, E., & Young, S. (2020). The utility of the advocacy coalition framework in a regional budget crisis. Public Policy & Administration.
Young, S., Wiley, K., & Searing, E., (2019). When politics and public administration collide: The impact on human service delivery. Illinois Municipal Policy Journal.
Young, S.L. (2018). Political skill of volunteer board members in the nonprofit milieu: A resource dependency perspective. International Journal of Volunteer Administration.
Practitioner Publications:
Tanner, J., & Young, S.L. (2022, October 3). In deciding how to deliver public services, bureaucrats, not citizens, often have the loudest voice. London School of Economics USAPP Blog.
Stull, J. & Young, S.L. (2021, Oct 11) What the fall of Afghanistan can teach us about the need for informed and effective policymaking. London School of Economics USAPP Blog.
Young, S., Wiley, K., & Searing, E. (2020, August 12). Chaos amidst the COVID-19 crisis: When politics topples public management.
Young S., Wiley, K., & Searing, E. (2020, April 6). Voices from the Field: Tangible, Timely Tactics for Nonprofits during Crises. Nonprofit Quarterly.
Young, S. (2019, September 3). Spreading his fairy dust. In Poynter Institute (Ed.), Get the name of the dog, mind your word order, and other famous writing advice from Roy Peter Clark. Poynter Institute Blog.
Young, S. (2017, June 30). How nonprofits can meet the challenges of the future. Tallahassee Democrat.
Young, S. (2015, December 18). Advocating for children. Tampa Bay Times.
Research: Welcome
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