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Erased: Ending
Faculty Sexual Misconduct

Among graduate and professional students,

24% of the sexual harassment incidents experienced by women (18.2% for men) were perpetrated by a faculty member.
~ Cantor et al., 2020

Drs. Sarah Young & Kim Wiley, with the support
of eminent scholar Dr. Fran Berry, wrote

"Erased: Why faculty sexual misconduct is prevalent

and how we could prevent it", a call to action to

end faculty sexual misconduct.

Fifteen of the top public affairs journals

across the world responded, collectively standing up against this egregious behavior.  Together, the journals published an abridged version of "Erased: Ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education."

It is one of only a handful of times in history that academic journals have published the same article across multiple journals. The field responded to the call to action resoundingly, working together as a united front to end faculty sexual misconduct.

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"Erased" on the Academics of PA Podcast

Drs. Young & Wiley discuss faculty sexual assault in academia and the fields of public administration and nonprofits. They detail the steps to address the problem and the need for tough conversations on it, expanding upon "Erased: Why faculty sexual misconduct is prevalent and how we could prevent it".

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"Erased" Publications

Young, S.L. & Wiley, K. (2021). Erased: Why faculty sexual misconduct is prevalent and how we could prevent it. Journal of Public Affairs Education. 27(3), p. 276-300. 

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (Forthcoming). Ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. International Review of Public Administration.

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. Public Policy and Administration. 0(0). 1-6.

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. Voluntary Sector Review.

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. Administration & Society. 53(4), 491-495.

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Erased: ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. Teaching Public Administration

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Erased: ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. Policy & Politics. 49(2), 183-186.

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Erased: ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. Journal of Nonprofit Education & Leadership. 11(2) p. ix-xii.

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Erased: ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. Critical Policy Studies. 15(2) p. 131-136.

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Erased: ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. Nonprofit Management and Leadership.

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Erased: ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. Public Management Review. 23(6), 797-801.

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"Erased" Blog Posts

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Erased: Ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia: An open letter from women of public affairs education. The Water Cooler, Companion Newsletter to Public Personnel Management, 2021(2). Blog post.

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021, May 28). Ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. Nonprofit Voluntary Sector Quarterly - Blog. Blog post. 

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. University of Colorado Denver – Center on Domestic Violence – Blog. Blost post

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. División de Administración Pública del Centro Público de Investigación y Educación – Blog. Blog post. 

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (2021). Ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. Policy Studies Journal - BlogBlog post

Young, S., & Wiley, K. (June, 2021). Ending faculty sexual misconduct in academia. An open letter from women of public affairs education. International Society for Third Sector Research. Newsletter article.

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Invited Talks & Panels

“Sexual misconduct nurtured by institutional contexts: Bearing the institutional responsibilities onto individuals” Invited panel discussant. Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Annual Conference. (Atlanta, GA: November 2021). Co-panelist: Sungdae Lim, Meeyoung Lamothe, Ralph Brower, Erynn Beaton, Megan LePere-Schloop, Kimberly Wiley.

“The power imbalance and its abuse in public affairs academia” Invited panel discussant. NASPAA Annual Conference. (Virtual: October 2021). Co-panelist: Claire Knox, Kimberly Wiley, Adam Williams, Derek Slagle, Nik Anguelov.

“Erased: Addressing the epidemic of faculty sexual misconduct” Invited guest speaker. Korean Association for Public Administration Annual International Conference. Invited guest speaker. (Virtual: June 2021). Co-author Kim Wiley.

“Erased: Addressing the epidemic of faculty sexual misconduct” Invited talk. The University of Texas – Dallas. (Virtual: March 2021). Co-author Kim Wiley.

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Media Coverage

“Longtime FSU prof resigned: ’There is a huge sense of disgust over the allegations’" Florida Phoenix. Newspaper article. (March, 2021)

"Professor’s Call to Action Against Sexual Misconduct in Academia Published Widely" International Society for Third Sector Research. Newsletter article. (June, 2021).

"Professor's call to action against misconduct published widely" UNG News. Newspaper article. (May, 2021). 

Academics of PA. (n.d.). Sarah Young and Kimberly Wiley on Faculty Sexual Misconduct (No. 31).

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